SMS Gateway

The SMS gateway from Netfors enables multiple connectivity between mobile networks and IP-based applications. It can be the backbone of SMS aggregation business and be a flexible platform for sourcing for SMS service providers.
SMS gateway

The SMS gateway provides multiple interfaces:

  • SMPP
  • HTTP
  • Web services – JSON and SOAP
  • SMTP


SMS gateway for SMS termination

The SMS termination service from Netfors, enables service providers to terminate SMSs to the worldwide mobile network. The customer’s applications can be connected to access points via an SMPP or HTTP connection over the internet.

Vast experience with SMS gateway

Netfors develops and delivers high performance SMS gateways that help clients improve their value proposition towards their customers. With more than six years of experience, you can trust that Netfors’ SMS gateway fulfills your expectations and requirements. Please contact Netfors for further information.

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