The future of mobile communication

The mobile trend streamlined the business process. Technology becomes more and more sophisticated and the amount of data driven by mobile as well as the number of mobile phones currently sold easily outsells PCs. We can still see a lot of traffic coming from tablets and stationary desktops, but mobile technology and progress is in the focus.  Mobile communication is what keeps the internet going, working as a distribution channel between people and service providers. Businesses will have to create an app for whatever purposes their users might want to use their phones for. Another aspect to consider is that carriers are moving to the RCS standard, especially now that Google Android RCS initiative gives a chance to 800 GSMA carriers to set up  RCS. Another heavily discussed topic is the launch of 5G ( supposedly in 2020 ). The wireless phone technology improvement will massively benefit the Internet of Things, according to Phil Twist, communications manager of Nokia’s Mobile Networks. In contrast to to 4G, 5G expands its capacity to send and receive data up to 1000 times and helps interconnect 50 billion devices. There are also downsides. An increased connectivity and data manipulation will lead to a higher need of data security, costs for maintenance will obviously rise, and potential of disrupted workflow in business will grow.So how does the future of mobile communication look like ?

App overload

App fatigue and tech-saturation already started shaping our world. But the good news is that only mobile applications  that prove to be fast, efficient, secure and innovative will survive. For instance, the use of service focused on-demand apps is constantly growing and will reach new dimensions in the following years. From food delivery to cleaning services and  taxi providers, every industry fill find a mobile solution regardless of the problem.

Mobile AR

Digi Capital New Report states that by 2021, Mobile AR could become the primary driver of a $108 billion VR/AR market by 2021. More industries are about to be empowered by revolutionary marketing strategies that imply gaming and AR apps. User entertainment is the key element. Online shoppers will soon be able to virtually try on products and slowly distance themselves from physical stores. Even teachers will start using ARKits and smart boards to speed up the learning process in class.

Flexible mobile devices

Do holographic displays. eco smartphones and flexible frames remind you of SCI FI movies ? Might sound surprising but a Holoflex prototype was already tested, bringing flexible 3D display closer to reality. Samsung showed off flexible foldable displays multiple times during trade shows, while a Mobile Congress from 2016 introduced the first solar-powered prototype.

Mobile M2M technology

According to Forbes, machine-to-machine  is one of the  the fastest-growing types of connected device technologies, M2M connecting millions of devices within a single network. The mobile M2M market for sure is the future of the code since there is a substantial need  of  automated communication in various industries, especially in the transportation, logistics, consumer electronics, health care, energy and automotive sectors.

Mobile wallets

Mobile payment is slowly bringing us closer to a cashless future. Digital money will soon replace not only physical money but also credit cards. With banks already developing mobile apps for their services, we’re getting closer and closer to get rid of financial service providers.

Each innovation is paving the way to a better future. Our phones will not only recognize us and shift reality, but also automatically charge themselves wirelessly. 80% of the consumers currently prefer to turn to a mobile digital assistant before a human regarding product issues. Cutting edge technologies gravitating around mobile apps, artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), chatbots and VR will replace some similar sources in the market that are also used for communication such as post offices. Get ready to experience an AI-enabled future.



